A legendary tale of teamwork, hope and ingenuity...
The Story of Chanukah takes place in ancient Israel, in times when the Jews were ruled by the Greeks and refused to give up their faith and way of life.
Join us on an incredible journey to the past, exploring Hanukkah's story and characters using puppets, circus games, drama and music. Children will train to be Maccabees, stand up to King Antiochus and find out the value of standing up for your beliefs! Hanukkah is about the power of light overcoming darkness, the power of people who were outnumbered but prevailed through determination and passion. Hanukkah is not just about Maccabees or Greeks, oil or candles - it's about how when we work together we can achieve anything! Join us for this exciting tale of miracles, triumph and joy. All our shows are bilingual, interactive and musical! |
"It was a true delight to see children of all ages captivated by the performance, stepping on stage to be Maccabees and singing along in their seats. It is rare to see adults engrossed in a performance meant for their kids, yet you did it – amusing adults and children alike with your many talents.
We can't wait to have you back in our shul!" Mike Wikes, Director of Jewish Family Life and Learning, West End Synagogue - NYC